English Test and Interview Test Schedule for International Undergraduate Program (IUP) Admission


No: 00155/UN10/B/TM.00/2024





I. Introduction

English Proficiency Test and Interview Test are mandatory for applicants of the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) Universitas Brawijaya 2024

II. Schedule and Venue for the English Language Test

Date Monday, 13 May 2024
Time 08.00 – 11.00 WIB
Venue No of participants:
30600001 s/d 30600065
Lab. Komputer TIK 2
Lt. 4 Rektorat Lama, Universitas Brawijaya (Kelas A)Google Map Location URL→
No of participants:
30600066 s/d 30600130
Lab. Komputer TIK 3
Lt. 4 Rektorat Lama, Universitas Brawijaya (Kelas B)Google Map Location URL→
No of participants:
30600131 s/d 30600157
Lab. Komputer TIK 1
Lt 2 Rektorat Lama, Universitas Brawijaya (Kelas C)Google Map Location URL→


III. Schedule and Venue for the Interview Test

Date Monday/13 May 2024
Time 13.00-15.00 WIB
Venue please see below

Interview Test Location

No Faculty Location
1 Medicine Auditorium of Gedung Pusat Pembelajaran (GPP) Fakultas Kedokteran (FKUB) , 6th Floor Location map


2 Economics and Business Gedung F (pasca sarjana) Lt 6, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Location map


3 Veterinary Medicine ruang rapat pimpinan lantai 4 gedung B FKH Location map


4 Agricultural Technology Gedung C, Ruang Sidang Lt 8, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian Location map


5 Engineering Gedung Dekanat FTUB, Ruang studio 1 dan Ruang Kelas 2 Lt5 (PSPPI) FTUB Location map


6 Computer Science Gedung F, Lt 1, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM) Location map


7 Law Ruang Sidang 1, lt. 6, Gedung A FHUB Location map


Ruang Sidang dekan, lt 5, Gedung A FH UB
8 Cultural Science Gedung A, Aula FIB, Lt. 2, Fakultas Ilmu Bahasa (FIB) Location map


9 Social Science and Political Science Ruangan wawancara bertempat di gedung C fisip lantai 7 (ruang rapat 7.2) Location map


10 Administrative Science R. BISAS (Brawijaya International School of Administrative Science) Gd. C, lt. 1 FIA UB Location map


No Faculty Location
1 Medicine Auditorium of Gedung Pusat Pembelajaran (GPP) Fakultas Kedokteran (FKUB) , 6th Floor
2 Economics and Business Gedung F (pasca sarjana) Lt 6, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
3 Veterinary Medicine ruang rapat pimpinan lantai 4 gedung B FKH
4 Agricultural Technology Gedung C, Ruang Sidang Lt 8, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
5 Engineering Gedung Dekanat FTUB, Ruang studio 1 dan Ruang Kelas 2 Lt5 (PSPPI) FTUB
6 Computer Science Gedung F, Lt 1, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM)
7 Law Ruang Sidang 1, lt. 6, Gedung A FHUB

Ruang Sidang dekan, lt 5, Gedung A FH UB

8 Cultural Science Gedung A, Aula FIB, Lt. 2, Fakultas Ilmu Bahasa (FIB)
9 Social Science and Political Science Ruangan wawancara bertempat di gedung C fisip lantai 7 (ruang rapat 7.2)
10 Administrative Science R. BISAS (Brawijaya International School of Administrative Science) Gd. C, lt. 1 FIA UB


For Medicine Study Program

Date Monday/13 May 2024
Time 13.00-14.00 WIB
Briefing for Interview Test
Venue Auditorium of Gedung Pusat Pembelajaran (GPP) Fakultas Kedokteran (FKUB) , 6th Floor
Date Tuesday/14 May 2024
Interview Test
Time Session I: 07.30-11.25 WIB
Session II: 12.30-15.00 WIB
Venue Gedung Pusat Pembelajaran (GPP) FKUB, 4th Floor

IV. List of Participants

Participants of the English Language Test of the International Undergraduate Program (IUP)

  1. Lab Komputer TIK 2, lt 4 Rektorat Lama, Universitas Brawijaya (Kelas A)
  2. Lab Komputer TIK 3, lt 4 Rektorat Lama, Universitas Brawijaya (Kelas B)
  3. Lab Komputer TIK 1, lt 2 Rektorat Lama, Universitas Brawijaya (Kelas C)


V. Requirement and Rules

  1. Participants MUST take an English Language Test.
  2. Participants MUST adhere to the rules governing the English Language Test.
  3. Participants are REQUIRED to follow the instructions of the English Language Test administrators.
  4. Participants must bring the following:
    1. Identity card (KTP Asli)/KK
    2. Copy of transcript of senior high school (Rapor semester 1-5)
    3. Black ballpoint pen
  5. Participants are prohibited from wearing T-shirts.
  6. Participants are not allowed to wear sandals but must wear shoes.
  7. Participants must arrive at the venue no less than 30 minutes before the exam starts.  If applicants arrive late for any reason from the start of the test, applicants will NOT be allowed to take the test.
  8. Participants are not allowed to enter the examination room before there is a sign to enter the examination room.
  9. Participants are not permitted to bring any other devices such as a calculator, paper, books, or other notes; communication devices such as cell phones, watches, cameras, modems, any other electronics for recording, and so on.
  10. Participants are NOT ALLOWED to collaborate with any party by communicating directly or indirectly regarding the implementation of the exam using any communication method.
  11. Bags, books and notes in any form are collected in designated places.
  12. Participants will be checked if there is anything suspicious.
  13.  Participants must occupy the seats that have been determined according to the participant number.
  14. Participants places the participants card with the photo facing up.
  15. Participants fill out the attendance list.
  16. Participants who lose their participant card should immediately report it to the exam supervisor.


VI. Others

  1. Guidance for the English Test can be viewed below:
    Panduan Tes CBT IUP
  2. Information services are provided via Halo SELMA (https://haloselma.ub.ac.id)